Inspiration pt. 10 – Mornings

Mornings are not always fresh. At least for me. I will not lie about that. I will never tell that every morning is a happy morning and we forget our yesterday trauma once we get up. The reality is more and more harder than we think. Specially when you have to live a burdened life with poverty. When you do not earn enough to feed your entire family but you have to endure until the next pay day, without having a mental breakdown that is too severe handle.

But even in such conditions I do get inspired. And I do not lie about it either. As a daydreamer it is kind of a habit of mine to put my mind into things that does not exist. It is not always on mornings. Inspirational thoughts could come at any point of the day. And I am positive about many of those, that I can carry out them without having to think too much about them or the consequences I have to face once they go haywire. This blog is a live result of such an inspirational thought.

Let’s get to the main point, Shall we?

I was on my way to work with my husband. He was riding the motor bicycle while I was sitting behind him thinking as usual. I got my sewing machine back from my mother who had borrowed it for a while. So I was thinking about what to sew now I have it back. I was always interested in fashion. But mostly vintage. The time frame is from medieval to late Victorian era. There is an unexplainable aesthetic about the vintage fashion. They might not be as practical as nowadays fashion but it is always nice to wear outside the frame for every once in a while.


Corsets have been in my mind for a period of time. Corset making went viral in YouTube few years back. Now we can find thousands of videos on YouTube on how to make corsets. But I am not only talking about corsets. The whole fashion statement pieces. Dresses, Shirts and pants, aprons, hats, shoes and other clothing items I may have missed. The time frame is a bit complicated as it covers hundreds of years of different fashion. But I need an entry point and I believe that the corsets are the key to that. Since it is easy to find tutorials about that topic and it is kind of interesting to make a piece for my self.

My first sewing project in 2023 will be a corset. I hope I will succeed in it uncovering a whole new tradition of fashion in future. I will update about the process and hope to write a complete step by step articled about my experience in corset making.

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