Untold Stories : Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax is a soft colourless solid derived from the petroleum because of that it is also known as petroleum wax. There is a common speculation about petroleum derivatives. Is it safe? The most common applications of paraffin wax are candles and crayons, which are commonly used in our day today life.

Karl Von Rechenbach

Paraffin wax was first created in 1830 by German chemist Carl Reichenbach. Although candles were used since 500BC. Before paraffin wax candles were made the candles were made using tallow or beeswax. Paraffin was used in candle making as it was much cheaper to produce compared to other candle fuels and the wax burned cleanly.

How paraffin wax is made

The raw ingredient is called slack wax which is a mixture of wax and oil. The oil is removed by crystallization. The slack wax is mixed with a solvent. Then the mixture is heated until the mixture is completely a liquid then it is cooled down. The wax solidify while the oil remains as a liquid. Both solid and liquid parts have solvent after the separation. The solvent is recovered by distillation. The recovered wax is called “Press wax or product wax”. The oil is called the “foots oil”. Even after the separation still there could be oil in the recovered wax. The lesser the oil in wax the purer the wax is. The press wax is blended together to form a desired products

Applications of Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax is used in many day today items other than candles. Here is a complete list of uses of paraffin wax

  • Candle Making
  • Wax Carving
  • Bicycle Chain Lubricant
  • Investment casting or Lost wax casting
  • As an anti-caking agent, moisture repellent, and dustbinding coatings for fertilizers
  • As an agent for preparation of specimens in histology
  • As a Phlegmatizer
  • Crayons
  • Solid propellant for hybrid rocket motors
  • Component of surfboard wax, ski wax, and skateboard wax
  • In wax baths in cosmetic tratments
  • As a wood finishing agent
  • In thermal energy storing
  • In wax thermostats and wax motors(actuators)
  • Forensic Investigations

The most common of above examples are the candles and crayons but I like to explain a bit about the other applications that are not common or not heard in our day today life.

Let’s get to know the use of wax in forensic investigations. Paraffin wax was used to detect nitrates and nitrites on the hand of a shooting suspect. The method was first used in 1933 by Teodoro Gonzalez of the Criminal Identification laboratory in Mexico City. He covered the suspect’s hand with a layer of paraffin. After cooling the wax was broken off and the paraffin layer was treated with an acid solution of diphenylamine, a reagent used to detect the presence of nitrates or nitrites. It nitrates or nitrites were present the blue flecks on the wax could be seen. But there was a flow in this test as it showed positive results for anyone those who were in contact nitrates and nitrites which were common in fertilizer.

Thermal Energy Storing

Phase changing materials(PCM) are used in thermal energy storage. Paraffin wax is used as a PCM in Mercury space probe MESSENGER, launched in 2004. When the air craft could not radiate the excessive heat the paraffin wax packs come in handy.

As a Phlegmatizer

Phlegmatizer is an agent added to explosives to stabilize or desensitize the mixture. When Phlegmatizer agent is used in an explosive the handling properties of the explosive is improved. Paraffin wax is used in composition H6. Composition H6 is a military explosive mixture of 44% RDX, 29.5%TNT, 21% Powdered Aluminium, 5% Paraffin wax, 0.5% Calcium Chloride. It is used in torpedoes and naval mines.

Food Grade Wax

Did you know that paraffin is also used in food. Yes, According to FDA(U.S. Food and Drug Administration) all commercial food waxes are safe to eat. These pass through the body undigested. When paraffin wax is added to chocolate it gives chocolate a glossy finish once the chocolate hardens and helps chocolate stay without melting in room temperature. Also wax is used as a coating in some fruits like apple, which keep them natural and fresh for a longer time. These wax can be removed by washing them thoroughly.

What do you think about paraffin wax? I found answers to many questionable thoughts I had after reading all those articles about paraffin wax. As Always thank you for reading I hope that you found this article useful for your life and knowledge.

Thank You for Reading ❤

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