2023 January Journey

Looking back 2022 was not the greatest year and our predictions about 2023 are not too exciting. The life is getting more and more exhausting. In this island living has become a some sort of a survival game. But we must endure until we cannot.

Until then I will post about my daily life….

Kaluthara Pagoda(Left) and Bo tree(Right)

I started this year as a whole new project. I drew a completely new timeline and set a list of goals I must achieve. On January first I visited Kaluthara and Aluthgama with my family. It all began with an idea my husband had. He wanted to start the new year with a religious view. He did not specify where but it had to be on the 1st of January. It was easy to go out as this year January 1st was a Sunday. My mother wanted to visit Aluthgama Kande Viharaya(Temple) for sometime. So I combined both ideas together. Then it was decided. We would visit Aluthgama and Kaluthara temples together.

Aluthgama Temple

We took our car out and headed to Kaluthara. We were joined two of my husband’s friends. Although Kaluthara was on the way to Aluthgama we did not stop there. Our first stop was Aluthgama. The reason my mother wanted to visit Aluthgama temple was to offer a basket of fruits to the gods. It is a tradition in Sri Lanka. We would dedicate a basket of fruits and sweets to a particular god to fulfill our hopes. Just like we would visit and worship if our exams are finished without any worries.

It might seem stupid but the mental stability we have once we do something like that is unexplainable. There is a faith we commonly share. Plus the fruit basket that we offer. Once the offering rituals are over the fruit basket is given back which is shared together. Sometimes with strangers too. So if you are a foreigner visiting Aluthgama or any other temple with such Devalaya, do not be alarmed if a local offers you a piece of fruit. It is refreshing to eat a piece of pineapple or watermelon in a hot sunny day.

Huge Buddha Statue in Aluthgama

After we had our offering rituals we walked around to visit the temple. The started the return trip. On our way we stopped near Aluthgama beach where fishermen were selling the fish on the side of the road. We stopped there to buy some fish and behind there was the Aluthgama beach. We spend about 1 hour there enjoying the vitamin sea. Then headed towards a restaurant nearby for the lunch. After the lunch we started our journey. On the way we stopped in Kaluthara temple. The temple is famous for the pagoda and Bodhiya(Bo tree). It was refreshing to sit under the Bo tree.

Sunset in Kaluthara

To be honest I am not a very religious person but it feels good to go to a temple every once in a while. For some unknown reason I feel relieved whenever I sit under a Bo tree. No matter how crowded the place is a Bo tree has this magical ability to create a calming, soothing and cool environment.

Then began our January Journey…….

Both my husband and I have full time jobs and we managed to go to work without having to get a day off this month without getting sick. But is it not completely true. I took a day off from my work for a voluntary work. January is the time period when public schools in Sri Lanka hold their sport meets. For those who do not understand the word “Sport Meet” I will explain the process. The entire school is divided into houses(just like in Hogwarts). most schools have 3-6 houses based on the student population. For 2-3 weeks the studies are completely stopped and students engage in various activities mainly sports, to compete with each house. The sports events include athletic events, group sports such as volleyball, netball and basketball or cricket. At the end of the season schools hold an event to hold the final athletic events, announce the winners and price giving.

Last week there was the sport meet of the nearby school to our home, where my husband studied. The have asked my husband for volunteers to help them with the events of the sport meet. As a former school netball player I stepped in to help them with the Netball matches. I felt so alive on the ground after many many years. It must have been at least 15 years since I stopped playing netball. In my school days I really hated the fact that I have to play netball in the school for some personal reasons but seeing those little girls on the ground was a refreshing moment. I was happy and thrilled to help them in any way possible. It is one of the satisfying things I have done in my life without any personal gain.

That is why I love volunteering. Even without any personal gain I get to help others and be happy about it. That is one of the purest feeling of happiness I could ever have. Zero regrets.

The end of the January marks the 1st wedding anniversary. I still cannot believe that we have spent one year together. And how much we have gotten closer to each other. Truly time is one of the best solution in our lives. I have learnt many many things during this past year. Many of my habits are changed. In my personal opinion I have become a better person. Both my husband and I have adopted to each other. We had a chance to recognize the facts that earlier kept us apart and we completely understand each situation without any explanation. It is simply called mutual understanding. And all we needed 1 year. No matter for how long we dated we did not know some small facts about each other but now we do. And it has helped us to fully to fully support and trust each other’s decisions.

There are many obstacles ahead of us that we need to overcome both together and as individual persons. And we hope to support each other in every difficult situation we face together or individually. There is a bond based on trust and love that we cannot ignore. A bond which is more powerful than the law. A bond I can rely on. A bond for which I do not hesitate to leave behind everything in my life if I have to. A bond I know that I do not have to leave behind anything that I love. Such a bond we share together. And that is the only silver lining in these dark clouds.

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