10 Most Popular Drinks in the World

What is your favorite drink? Have you ever thought how many people in the world like to drink what you like? My favorite drink is tea. I drink 3-4 tea cups per day. That is my normal consumption. Back when I was in university I used to drink 8-10 tea cups per day. In exam period I drank about 15 tea cups in 12 hours. Which is not actually good for my body to consume that much tea. But somehow I realized my true love for tea.

Today I am about to tell you about the 10 most popular beverages in the world. Without any further introductions let’s get to know them.

10. Orange Juice

Photo by Bruno Scramgnon from Pexels

09. Milk

Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels

08. Energy Drinks

Photo by Min An from Pexels

07. Wine

Photo by Bernyce Hollingworth from Pexels

06. Vodka

Photo by Ibrahim Unal from Pexels

05. Coca Cola

Photo by alleksana from Pexels

04. Beer

03. Coffee

02. Tea

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

01. Water

What do you think? Is your favorite drink in this list?

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