Important Dates in October

October 1st – International Elder’s Day/ International Coffee Day/ World Vegetarian Day

International elder’s day is first founded at the 1990 UN general assembly. It is celebrated to raise awareness on the issues that affect the elderly generation such as abuse and to appreciate the elders in the society.

International coffee day is also celebrated on the 1st of October. The objective is to promote coffee among the people. Various local and international events are organized around the world. It was first launched in 2015 in Milan. Apart from the main objective this day is also used to raise awareness of the fair trade of coffee.

October 1st is also known as the World vegetarian day. It was established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977. The main objective of holding events on this day is to promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism.

October 2nd – International Day of Non Violence

October 2nd is the International Day of Non Violence. It was established at the 2007 UN general assembly. It is also the birth date of the Indian activist Mahathma Gandhi.

October 4th – World Animal Welfare Day / World Habitat Day

World Animal Day is celebrated on the 4th October every year since 1925. The meaning behind establishing such a day is to draw attention to animal welfare issues across the globe by encouraging businesses, schools, clubs and others to organise and participate in various World Animal Day events, with the goal of improving the lives of all animals through recognition and awareness.

World habitat day is also celebrated on the first monday of October and this year it has been scheduled to the 4th October. It was first celebrated in 1986 in Kenya. Each year the event is held under a theme. This year the theme is “Accelerating urban action for a carbon-free world“. You can read the previous themes here

October 5th – World Teacher’s Day

October 5th is celebrated as the World teacher’s day. Many countries have celebrated this day in different months even before it was officially established by the UN in 1994. But after that many countries have been celebrating world teacher’s day on the 5th of October.

October 9th – World Post Day

October 9th is celebrated as the world post day. It is the anniversary of the UPU (united postal union). The UPU was founded in 1874 in Switzerland. The world post day has been celebrated since 1969 all over the world. There are many events have been organized locally and internationally.

October 10th – World Mental Health Day

October 10th is declared as the world mental health day. It was first celebrated in 1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health. Every year world mental health day is celebrated according to a theme and theme for the 2021 is “mental health in an unequal world”. You can read about the previous themes here

October 11th – International Day of Girl Child

October 11th is declared as the international day of the girl child. It was established by the UN in 2012 as a day of observance to support gender equality. There are many events are organized around the world to celebrate this day.

October 13th – International Day for Disaster Reduction

October 13th is the international day for disaster reduction. It was officially established in the 2009 UN general assembly. The goal was to raise awareness and prevention of the disasters.

October 14th – World Standards Day/ World Sight Day

World standards day is celebrated on the 14th October every year. The main objective of the day is to raise awareness among regulators, industry and consumers as to the importance of standardization to the global economy. The first standards day was celebrated in 1970.

World sight day is also celebrated on the 14th of October. It is a global event that aims to draw attention to blindness and vision impairment. It was first celebrated in 2000 by the Lions Club International and since 2005 the day is celebrated under a theme annually.

October 15th – Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day/ Global Handwashing Day

October 15th is celebrated as the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day for the stillbirths, miscarriages and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). It is observed in American and European continents and by every year the participation has been growing.

October 15th is also the global handwashing day. It is founded to raise awareness of the importance of handwashing in order to prevent diseases. It was first celebrated in 2008 and each year there is a theme for the events organized worldwide. Click here to read about the themes

October 16th – World Food Day / World Anaesthesia Day / World Spine Day

World food day is celebrated on the October 16th each year. October 16th is the date that UN food and agricultural organization was founded in 1945. Since 1981 the world food day has been celebrated according to an annual theme. Click here to read about the themes

World anaesthesia day is celebrated on the October 16th. On 16th October 1846 he first successful demonstration of diethyl ether anaesthesia was performed. The date is celebrated around the world to commemorate the event since 1903.

World spine day is also celebrated on the 16th October. It is celebrated since 2008 and this year’s theme is “Back 2 Back”. This year’s world spine day celebrations focus on spinal pain and disability as a part of the global burden of disease.

October 17th – International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

October 17th is celebrated as International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The date commemorate the event that took place in Paris 1987 where 100,000 people gathered on the Human Rights and Liberties Plaza at the Trocadéro to honor victims of poverty, hunger, violence, and fear at the unveiling of a commemorative stone by Joseph Wresinski. In 1992 UN officially announced that the October 17th as International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

October 20th – World Statistics Day

October 20th is celebrated as the world statistics day since 2010. It is not an annual celebration. It is celebrated every five years and the next celebration will be held in 2025.

October 23rd – Mole Day

October 23rd is know as the mole day. It is an unofficial celebration of the mole or Avogadro number used in chemistry. Avogadro number is equal to 6.02×1023 and on the 23rd October between 6.02 am and 6.02 pm chemists and chemistry enthusiasts around the world celebrate the mole day.

October 24th – United Nations Day / World Development Information Day

October 24th is celebrated as the United Nations Day as the date is the official founding date of the UN in 1945.

Also this date is celebrated as the world development information day. It was officially established in the UN general assembly held in 1972. The goal is to focus on the public opinion on the development problems and the necessity of strengthening international co-operation to solve them.

October 30th – World Thrift Day

October 30th is celebrated as world thrift day or world savings day. But in some countries it is celebrated on the 31st when there is a national holiday declared on the 30th October. Since the date collide with the Halloween many countries have forgotten about this day. It was established in 1924 in Italy and the objective was to promote savings among the public.

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